Your Answer:  In Jerusalem

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The apostles continued, by faith, to obey Jesus' teachings:

Jesus' Words After He Rose from the Dead
 and Before He Ascended to Heaven
Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:44-49,
John 20:21-23, John 21:15-19, Acts 1:4-9

Jesus' Commands

Related Promises

The Disciples' Obedience of Faith

Go into all the world, beginning in Jerusalem.  Preach the gospel to all creation. Preach about repentance, belief and baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus would be with them always, even until the end of the age. The gospel of Jesus Christ (the good news of the death, burial and resurrection) was first preached in Jerusalem in Acts 2.  About 15 years later in Acts 13:49, it says "...the word of the Lord was being spread through the whole region."
Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Those that believed, repented and were baptized would receive the forgiveness of sins.  
Teaching them to observe all that Jesus commands.
Those that believed, repented and were baptized would receive the forgiveness of sins.  
Stay in Jerusalem until they receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would come upon them in Jerusalem. They stayed in Jerusalem until they received the promised Holy Spirit -- Acts 1:12, Acts 2.
Peter to shepherd and feed Jesus' flock. Jesus told them the manner in which they would die. Peter is the first apostle to begin sharing the word of the gospel with the Jews in Acts 2.

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Question 28