Self-Evaluation for Lesson 1:

Your Answer: I believe I became a Christian at an age after I knew what sin was.


Print this page.

Write your answers to the following questions on the page you just printed (save this printed page for when you have completely finished Lesson 1).

  • 1st Question: On the page that you just printed, write in the space below what you believe the phrase "Gospel of Jesus Christ" means: 



  • 2nd Question: On the page that you printed, write what you believe the phrase "Obedience to the Gospel" means:



  • 3rd Question: If you believe that your sins have been completely forgiven by God at any point in your life...what was the exact point that you believe your sins were first forgiven by God? (circle your answer below on the printed page):
  1. When I prayed or someone prayed for me.
  2. When I fasted.
  3. When I believed.
  4. When a miracle happened.
  5. When I was sprinkled with water.
  6. When water was poured over me.
  7. I believe I  have always had my sins forgiven.
  8. When I was immersed in water with Christ.
  9. Don't remember.
  10. My sins were forgiven in some other way.
  11. I do not believe that my sins were ever forgiven.


Note: After you have completely filled out the printed page, please save it for review after you have fully completed lesson 1.

Click one of the 11 answers above to continue...