How is your relationship with Jesus right now?
The Bible says that Jesus will come back some day and those that are in Christ will go to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
If Jesus were to come today, do you know for certain that you
would go up in the clouds...to meet Him in the air...and to go to
that heaven that He has prepared for His followers (see
John 14:1-3).
Learn more: Online interactive
lessons available include:
- The Good News of Jesus Christ
- The Church that Jesus Built
- The One True God
- Prayer
- The Holy Spirit
- Faith
- The Book of Revelation
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each day:
- http://bibleabc.net/today-asv (American Standard)
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- http://bibleabc.net/today-kjv (King James)
- http://bibleabc.net/today-nas (New American Std)
- http://bibleabc.net/today-asl (American Sign Lang.)
- http://bibleabc.net/today-spanish[ (Spanish)
- http://bibleabc.net/today-ot (Old Testament)
- Bible Reading Schedule for Year - Read Bible in Year >>
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