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Bibles in Non-English Languages:

Read & search the Bible in many non-English languages, including:
- Arabic
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What's This All About?
God supplies all we need A Loving God

There is a God who created all that we know...the heavens and the earth.  This God consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Each of us are created in the image of God.  God wants for us all to be saved and to be able to live eternally in heaven.

Fire The Enemy

Satan (also called the Devil) wants us to fall away from God.  Satan wants us to commit miss the mark that God has set out for us.  Satan knows that the wages of our sin, is our death.  If Satan can convince us to ignore God's word and to continue to sin, then he will draw us away from God forever.

Jesus on Cross The Price is Paid

While we were still sinners...God the Father sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for our sins.  Jesus died on the cross in Jerusalem in ~A.D.30 and, as a result, allows us to have our sins forgiven.  We do not need to suffer the punishment of our own sins, if we accept Christ according to what the Bible says.  Jesus said "not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will inherit the kingdom, but those who do the will of His Father."  Let's learn together what the will of God is for our lives.

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Daily Bread
Daily Bread/Thought For Day
Click on the picture to read today's inspirational email from the scriptures and other links to daily readings. For a free subscription to daily/weekly Bible emails:

Go to "Daily Bread" >>
Bible Lessons
Coming in Clouds

How is your relationship with Jesus right now?

The Bible says that Jesus will come back some day and those that are in Christ will go to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

If Jesus were to come today, do you know for certain that you would go up in the meet Him in the air...and to go to that heaven that He has prepared for His followers (see John 14:1-3).

Learn more:  Online interactive lessons available include:

  • The Good News of Jesus Christ
  • The Church that Jesus Built
  • The One True God
  • Prayer
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Faith
  • The Book of Revelation

Click here to go to Bible Lessons >>

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