Lesson 6 - Question 4 of 38 

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Use of the Word "Faith" in the New Testament:

The word "faith" is used over 250 times in the KJV New Testament...compared to being used twice in the KJV Old Testament.  Here's a brief summary of the use of the words "faith," "faithfulness," etc. in the Old Testament as compared to the New Testament:

The Number of Times These Words Are Found in Scripture:


King James Version

New American Standard

New International
English Word

Old Testament

New Testament Old Testament New Testament Old Testament New Testament
Faith 2 254 4 246 16 254
Faithfulness 19 0 38 3 54 5
Faithfully 7 1 14 1 17 1
Faithful 28 54 30 46 41 42
Unfaithful 1 0 19 0 50 0
Faithless 0 4 10 1 11 2


Fill in the blank:  Based on the above table, it would be safe to conclude that the New Testament speaks _______ of faith as compared to the Old Testament. (fill in the blank)

Rarely Substantially More Somewhat Less
